Joseph Wowo, The Nigerian Former Chief Justice of The Gambia Pardoned by President Jammeh

Joseph Wowo, the Nigerian former chief justice of The Gambia who was convicted on charges of abuse of office, fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy to defeat justice, interference with witnesses, offenses relating judicial proceedings, giving false information and false assumption of authority has been pardoned and released by The President of The Gambia, Alhaji Dr. Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babili Mansa

He was among the Nine (9) prisoners pardoned by the Gambia President yesterday. The remaining eight people who were pardoned alongside Joseph Wowo and now reunited with their families are:
  1. Seedou Bojang, ex- accountant of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, convicted for conspiracy, economic crime and stealing and was sentenced to eight years in jail; 
  2. Karamo Bojang the ex-deputy director of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, convicted for conspiracy, possession of fire arms, economic crimes and stealing and sentenced to eight years;
  3. Ousman Sanneh, ex-commissioner of operations at the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, convicted for conspiracy, possession of fire arms, economic crimes and stealing and sentenced to eight years; 
  4. Mam Matarr Secka, ex-military officer convicted for corruption, abuse of office and seduction and sentenced to 10 years in jail; 
  5. Kuluteh Manneh, ex-military officer convicted for corruption, abuse of office and seduction and sentenced to 10 years in jail; 
  6. Mamud B Sarr, former commander of the Gambia Navy 
  7. Salifu Nyang a Senegalese national who was convicted for murder and sentenced to death 
  8. Yusupha Saidy who was convicted on two counts of drug trafficking and two counts of conspiracy, aiding and abetting and was sentenced to serve 10 years in jail


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